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Use of the Wallington Library’s program area is primarily for programs sponsored by the Library. When library programs are not scheduled, community groups engaged in educational, cultural, charitable, or social activities may utilize the Library’s program area. Wallington residents and organizations are given priority over non-Wallington residents and organizations.  The Library’s program area is not intended for individual use and applicants must be over twenty-one (21) years of age. 



Use of the Library’s program area is subject to the following regulations:


  • The program area may be used only during Library operating hours unless specific arrangements have been made with and approved by the Library Director. Programs/meetings held in the evening must end fifteen (15) minutes prior to the Library’s close. 

  • Tobacco, alcohol, and gambling are prohibited.

  • Fire regulations must be observed at all times. The legal maximum area occupancy is not to be exceeded. Open flames, flammable materials, and other hazardous materials are prohibited. 

  • Applicants are responsible for setup and cleanup of the program area. No undue burden shall be placed on the Library staff for area setup and/or cleanup. Charges may be assessed for required extra cleanup by Library staff. If damage occurs in the program area, the group responsible will be expected to reimburse the Library for the cost of the replacement/repair and may be denied further access to the program area.

  • Any promotional material created to announce an event in the Library by an unaffiliated group must include the following statement: “This event is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Wallington Public Library.” All promotional material must clearly designate the sponsoring organization. The Library does not advocate nor endorse the viewpoints expressed by program area users.

  • The program area may not be used for any unlawful purposes.

  • All programs, meetings, and gatherings must be open to library staff and to the public and free of charge. Dues may be collected from members of an organization holding a meeting in the Library’s program space, however, dues collection cannot be used to exclude members of the public from attending the event.

  • Library sponsored programs of an artistic nature will allow presenters to sell items as an ancillary function of the presentation (i.e. artists selling paintings, authors selling books, or performers selling CDs.) Only Library sponsored programs shall include fees that are used for the purchase of supplies used during a program, such as a craft workshop. Such fees shall not prevent members of the public from attending a program.  

Applications for use of the Library’s program area will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. To encourage the broadest possible use of the Library’s space, the Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to limit organizations to no more than (6) six regular meetings a year, although the Board reserves the right to approve more than (6) six regular meetings per year for any applicant. Permission to use the Library’s space is not transferable. The space may be reserved up to six months in advance. Applicants should review this policy thoroughly before filling out the Program Area Use Request Form and the Hold Harmless Agreement. The completed forms must be returned to the Library Director a minimum of twenty (20) days prior to the requested date of use. Applicants seeking a waiver of the insurance certificate requirement must obtain that from the Library Director prior to the meeting date.



In the spirit of goodwill, business leaders in the community may wish to share their knowledge for educational purposes to establish or maintain their standing in the community. While it is recognized that additional business may result indirectly from conducting such a session, the library program space shall not be used for the primary purpose of soliciting or conducting business. For-profit businesses will not be permitted to use library space until they have applied for and received approval from the Library Director. Approval of presentations will depend on the following criteria:


  • The presenter or business will complete a Program Area Use by For-Profit Entities Request Form and the Hold Harmless Agreement and submit the forms along with a Certification of Insurance (as outlined in the Hold Harmless Agreement) to the Library Director for approval. Note: Applicants seeking a waiver of the insurance certificate requirement must obtain that from the Library Director prior to the meeting date.

  • The primary purpose of the meeting should be educational or cultural in an area where the presenter can be deemed a subject matter expert.

  • The presentation must be appropriate for the community serviced by the Wallington Library.

  • No direct solicitation of business may be made by the presenter nor by any staff of the for-profit business at the meeting.

  • Presentations of an artistic nature will be permitted to sell items as an ancillary function of the presentation, (i.e. artists selling paintings, authors selling books, or performers selling CDs).

  • Presenters and/or their staff may not solicit personal information from attendees, such as name, address, or phone number either directly or through mandatory attendance sheets, sign-up sheets, business card collection, etc. Presenters may make business cards available and attendees are permitted to voluntarily provide information on their own.

  • Advertisements for the meeting should explicitly state that the session is for educational/cultural purposes and that business will not be directly solicited at the meeting. All advertisements must be approved by the Library Director in advance.

  • The Wallington Library is not responsible for the content of any presentation.


The use of library facilities is a privilege that can be revoked by the Library Board of Trustees or the Library Director, as its designated representative, for failure to comply with this policy or directives from authorized library staff. At all times the Library Director or supervisor in charge may end a meeting that has become disorderly. Applications may be rejected and previously granted permission may be withdrawn for violation of library regulations. Permission to use the Library’s program area may be denied to any group that is uncooperative, disorderly or disregards library regulations. Anyone wishing to appeal a decision to deny permission must appeal in writing to the Library Board of Trustees. Any appeal would be included on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.


Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees on March 18, 2021.

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125 Main Avenue

Wallington, NJ 07057

PHONE: 973-471-1692


MONDAY: 10am - 6pm

TUESDAY: 10am - 8pm

WEDNESDAY: 12pm - 8pm

THURSDAY: 12pm - 8pm

FRIDAY: 10am - 5pm 

SATURDAY: 10am - 4pm*


*Closed Saturdays in July and August

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